Caio takes part in event in Jaboatão dos Guararapes

2021-07-01 Caio, the leading brand in urban bus production in Brazil, made an appearance at the Decree Signing ceremony held on June 30th in the city of Jaboatão dos Guararapes, Recife, PE.

In this event, Mayor Anderson Ferreira signed the Decree that instituted the municipal electronic ticketing system, the agreement for fare integration with CBTU, and the agreement with Banco do Nordeste (BNB) for renewal of the supplementary transport fleet.

Upon signing the Decree, the City Hall implemented the Jaboatão Municipal Electronic Ticketing (Vale Eletrônico Municipal - VEM), which allows passengers to use the supplementary means of transportation throughout the Metropolitan Region of Recife, paying only one fare.

On this occasion, Caio the Apache VIP Bus to be evaluated by the Mayor and other relevant people.

The model is 9.8 meters long, passengers board at the front door, and a total capacity of 57 people. It also has an elevator and reserved seats for disabled, mobility impaired, and elderly people, ensuring 100% accessibility. Also, with passenger safety in mind, it is equipped with a swing in, pneumatic door with locking system, in order to prevent unexpected openings during the trip.

It also has fully upholstered seats, tinted windows, and air conditioning, providing thermal comfort to all the bus users.

Technological features are also provided on the Apache Vip, such as preparation for electromechanical turnstile, electronic validator, and USB ports on the side.

The bus has a Wi-Fi system, LED lighting for route display and in the driver`s cabin. Another technological item is the Multiplex system, which allows the driver to fully control the bus functions and helps to identify operational and electrical failures in the vehicle.

Further information about the Caio brand can also be found on the website:, social networks @caioinduscaroficial, and LinkedIn Caio Induscar Oficial.

Caio Group - Press Relations Office – July 2021