Caio Induscar is nominated for the 2017 AutoData Award

2017-08-11 AutoData Editora journalists nominated Caio Induscar to receive the title of "2017 Best in the Automotive Sector" in the Chassis and Supplies Manufacturer category.

The title was granted last Tuesday, August 8, at the Caio Induscar office, in São Paulo. National Sales Manager José Gildo Vendramini (Zezinho) represented Caio and accepted the title from AutoData Director, Marcio Stefani.

This nomination made Caio Induscar eligible to compete for the 2017 AutoData Award, in the new Chassis and Supplies Manufacturer awards category, which considers Bus Chassis Manufacturers and Vehicle Supply Manufacturers.

The winners in each category will be selected by virtual vote on AutoData`s website, by participants in the 2018 Perspectives Congress, which will be held in October. The award event, taking place for the 18th time, will be held at the beginning of November, 2017.

"The recognition given to the quality of our products and the services that we offer to the internal and external markets has renewed our efforts to satisfy customer needs and, as consequently, to satisfy the public transportation market", said Mr. Zezinho.